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 本 年度アカデミー主演男優賞受賞のジェフ・ブリッジスがここでもスティーブ・ブルトンとT・ボーン・バーネットへの謝辞を述べている。

 こ の映画の監督「Scott Cooper」について「その映画とカントリーミュージックへの知識に敬意を表したい」と言っている。

 ふ −−ん、ますますこの映画とサントラへの期待が高まるなぁ!

 T hey loved show biz so much and I feel an extension of them. You know, this, this is honoring them as much as it is me. I wanna, I wanna thank Scott Cooper, our wonderful director, for his knowledge of film and country music and for his ability to instill self-confidence in his actors. I thank you for that. Scott, where are you? Raise your hand, man. Yeah! Scotty! Thank you for that, Scott man! And thank you for assembling such a wonderful cast. Maggie Gyllenhaal, Colin, wherever he is backstage. And Bobby Duvall, so wonderful you guys brought your heart and soul. I want to thank Barry Markowitz, our wonderful DP, he did such a brilliant job. Judy Cairo, our producer, and Fox Searchlight, our wonderful, our wonderful distributor. Thank you guys for keeping us all together and for making it all happen. T-Bone Burnett and Stephen Bruton for bringing all of that great music and those wonderful musicians to the party, man.

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